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Ketahanan atau Keamanan Pangan?
Di tengah merayakan Ramadhan yang berkah, terjadilah diskusi malam yang menggugah pemikiran semua orang yang ada dalam WhatsApp Group (WAG) Dago
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Vtuber/Virtual Youtuber: Japan’s New Public Diplomacy Opportunity
Emerging of New Public Diplomacy Actors The recent development of today's international community has enabled non-state actors to conduct
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Parade Kemenangan di Rusia: Warisan Sejarah, Legitimasi Politik hingga Show of Force lewat Hard Power Diplomacy
Setiap tahun tepatnya pada tanggal 9 Mei, Rusia merayakan salah satu hari besar yang disebut sebagai parade kemenangan. Parade kemenangan tersebut
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Between a Paper and Real Tiger - The Dilemma of US Power Position
United States as the World Hegemon When hearing the word hegemon, many would associate it with the US, one of the strongest countries, both in
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Strategi 'Nabok Nyilih Tangan' Aliansi Barat dalam Konflik Ukraina
Ketergantungan energi negara-negara Eropa terhadap Russia menjadi pertimbangan penting akankah negara-negara eropa lewat The North Atlantic Treaty
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How Unrecognized Nations Develop Ties with Each Other - The Case of Somaliland-Taiwan Cooperation
Introduction Somaliland and Taiwan. Both entities enjoy de facto independence but neither of them has received diplomatic recognition by most of the